A person can generally be judged on numerous things- zodiac sign, clothes, shoes, food, makeup, hair, etc.

Moreover, you can find out so much about a personality, based on the jewelry they wear.

In this article, we will go briefly on some types of jewelry that say a lot about someone.

So, the next time you go out on a first date or meet someone, you will get an idea of what they might be like.

And without any more hesitation, let’s jump straight into the first type of jewelry.


Simple jewelry with very few details and a versatile look is the choice of people that appreciate life. They are very balanced and thoughtful when it comes to not only their sense of style but others, too.

It’s very likely that such a person does not appreciate conflict and picks out their priorities carefully.

Also, they might get nervous when situations spiral out of control, so a help from their friends is always good.

Accordingly, their perfect jewelry might be the plain design one, as it corresponds to quality metals and precious stones.


Engraved jewelry speaks a lot about someone and it usually says that the person wearing it is very open-hearted. They say whatever they have in mind and they are not afraid. 

Also, this person is very lovable, considerate, and caring for their family or friends.

So, such a present is a great idea!

Engrave it with whatever quote, symbol, date you want, and make this person in your life happy with it.

Diamond jewelry

Diamonds are not only a girl’s best friend, but they say a lot about her.

So, precious stones jewelry say that their owner works hard and loves treating themselves. They also like treasuring the good things in life and never take it as it comes. 

Generally, they are lovely people who would give anything for their friends in terms of finance, emotional support, etc.

They are the heart and soul of the party and love being around company.

Natural materials

When we talk about natural materials, we not only mean wood, seashells, raw rocks, etc. We talk about pearls. If you didn’t know they are some good natural minerals used for jewelry.

So, naturally (no pun intended), whenever we see people with natural jewelry we think of them as eco-friendly, down to earth people( again, no pun intended). In most cases, this is very true. 

Such people love taking live’s lemons and turning them to lemonade with a hit of tequila.

Usually, they are very shy but when they meet a few decent people, they become really lively and funny.

Chains and chunky jewelry

Those who wear very bold and elaborate jewelry are quite adventurous and edgy. They love a new challenge, they never shy away from an argument, and they stand their ground more than anyone else.

Generally, they can be moody, very hot headed probably, but in heart they are good people.

Moreover, they don’t trust easily and tend to annoy themselves at others’ concern due to them being very independent.


Yes, they might be quite old, but those who wear  brooches indulge in the classics when it comes to jewelry.

Additionally, they have their mind made up for nearly anything, but they accept constructive criticism.

They are very introverted, but enjoy going for a pint with a friend or two.

Also, their heart is always on the lookout for romance and the happy ending to their lives.

In conclusion, such definitions are not stoneset, so whatever you fancy to put around your neck or wrist, it doesn’t matter.

You are you and changes to character take place, but taste for good jewelry doesn’t. 

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